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- We should write (cm)^2Seriously, the c (centi, or 1/100) should be squared, otherwise it makes no sense. Let’s say something is 10 cm x 10 cm. That is: Whereas 100 cm2 would be which is clearly not the same. Hence we should write and all our problems are solved, yay! This of… Read more: We should write (cm)^2
- Rotterdam by nightIt had been forever since I took to the streets by night (actually it was only around 6 PM) armed with just my camera to take some pictures. Granted, I was somewhat inspired by Pierre T. Lambert, but then I also used to do this often years ago (I would link to the old blog,… Read more: Rotterdam by night
- Abstract Master ThesisFind the full thesis here: https://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid%3A0befa060-4a95-4e30-9658-769f20501920?collection=education GNSS receivers can suffer severely from radio frequency interference (RFI). RFI can introduce errors in the position and time calculations or if the interference is very severe, can lead to a total loss of GNSS reception. This vulnerability of GNSS can have large implications on critical infrastructure such as… Read more: Abstract Master Thesis
- Printer workaround TU Delft for MacHow to print directly from Macbook at TU Delft
- Mexen.onlineCorona, bla bla bla, Covid-19, bla, quarantine. I’ll refrain from phrases such as crazy/weird/challenging/uncertain times. Or did I? Here’s the thing, in the earlier weeks of the lock down, online drinks became a thing. I’ve never been a huge fan, but it was something. One thing was really missing though, some game to play during… Read more: Mexen.online